Newsletter #1 2025: Monday 17 February 2025
Principal's Message
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
Acting Assistant Principal - Mission
Acting Leader of Pastoral Care
Leader of Pedagogy
Acting Leader of Learning - HSIE
Acting Leaders of Learning Technologies
Leader of Learning - Work Readiness Pathway
Leader of Sport
Sports Academy
Resource Centre
Lowes On-Campus Uniform Shop
Community News
Principal's Message

Dear Members of the St Joseph’s College Family,
Welcome to the start of another exciting year at St Joseph’s College. I was very pleased to meet with a number of students at our transition meeting day for Year 7 students and their parents. We had introduced this process last year, and it was felt to be of such a benefit to the new cohort (and their families), we saw the immediate value of including this in the start of the new school year in 2025. This year we also introduced a new style of school diary and I hope that students and their families will apprise themselves of the information therein contained as it will equally help you all navigate your way through secondary schooling at St Joseph’s College.
Similarly, I hope that all new students in Years 8 to Year 12 have found the start of the year a positive one and feel welcome in our school community.
As always, your child’s AWC teachers will be your first point of contact, but rest assured that our Heads of House are also available to support your child’s high school journey, as are the Leaders of Learning for each teaching faculty, and of course all teaching and support staff.
The College newsletter will be published three times a term, and I hope that you will also take the time to read through each newsletter, as there is more information we share throughout the year via this medium. Additionally, Compass alerts are sent out as further issues arise, or with necessary news and reminders. We do also have a social media presence and I encourage our community members to check on the College’s Facebook site and Instagram - they really do indicate how much is actually happening at school and how fast-paced life has become.

Jubilee Year 2025: Pilgrims of Hope
Pope Francis has declared 2025 a Jubilee Year for our Church, themed “Pilgrims of Hope” – a year of hope for a world suffering the impacts of war, the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the climate crisis. 2025 invites Catholics to embark on a spiritual journey of renewal, reconciliation, and hope.
The Jubilee Prayer
Father in heaven,
may the faith you have given us
in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,
and the flame of charity enkindled
in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
reawaken in us the blessed hope
for the coming of your Kingdom.
May your grace transform us
into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within
both humanity and the whole cosmos
in the sure expectation
of a new heaven and a new earth,
when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,
your glory will shine eternally.
May the grace of the Jubilee
reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,
a yearning for the treasures of heaven.
May that same grace spread
the joy and peace of our Redeemer
throughout the earth.
To you our God, eternally blessed,
be glory and praise for ever.
As Pope Francis states, “the forthcoming Jubilee can contribute greatly to restoring a climate of hope and trust as a prelude to the renewal and rebirth that we so urgently desire; that is why I have chosen as the motto of the Jubilee, Pilgrims of Hope.”
What is a Jubilee?
Held every 25 years, a Jubilee Year is a sacred time of prayer, pilgrimage, and conversion. It is a call to experience God’s mercy through sacramental repentance and spiritual renewal.
The Jubilee of 2025 commenced on 24 December 2024 with the Opening of the Holy Door of Saint Peter’s Basilica and runs to 6 January 2026, the Feast of the Epiphany, with the closing of the Door.
We have our own ‘door’ open at the College, with parents always welcome to attend the various masses and liturgies that are a part of the St Joseph’s College calendar.
In Australia, Christmas Day (December 25) and the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 15) are Holy Days of Obligation.
Even though Ash Wednesday is not a Holy Day of Obligation, we do always celebrate Ash Wednesday with a whole school mass in the Holy Family Chapel, with attendees receiving ashes to mark the beginning of Lent. Ash Wednesday is a holy day of invitation that encourages repentance and belief in the Gospel.
Ash Wednesday this year falls on Wednesday 5 March (Week 5), and an invitation will soon be going out to families to join us for Ash Wednesday Mass that day.
Similarly, the Feast Day of Saint Joseph, Wednesday 19 March (Week 7) will see the school celebrate our very own St Joseph’s Day Mass, yet another school mass to which our families are welcome to join the school community. This is a very special event in our school’s calendar, with further information below about this day.
‘Due to the uniqueness of people you can never truly know what someone else is going through,’ I read recently. And I agree; we all have past experiences and these naturally inform our own perspective on life and those around us, but we can never really know what someone is going through if we haven’t ‘walked a mile in their shoes.’ If you can be anything - be kind.
I ask you to always remember that you are part of a larger community than just your group of friends. Many students have walked the corridors you now tread and have recognised their fortune in being part of this school and its history. They have also seen that they have an obligation to the community by being a part of it. I would encourage you to take up the many opportunities that present themselves to you in your years here at SJC. Living in the ‘lucky country’ as we are, enjoying all that there is to offer - especially here on the Tweed - is a gift every day. Being inclusive of others, treating everyone as your brothers and sisters in Christ, and seeing this community as the biggest extended family that you will ever know…
Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.
(Matthew 25:40)
Welcome Year 7 2025!
Year 7 students commenced their PAT testing Friday, and will be concluding today, following which they will take part in a special Year 7 Mass and Belonging activities this afternoon. I am so pleased this cohort will begin their first high school year in this way.
I’ve heard a saying about a Year 6 student being described as a big fish in a little pond, and I understand that coming into a new school - and in total contrast to the familiarity of your former school - will be an adjustment, so I hope you all give yourself the opportunity to settle in. I want to assure you that all College staff would like to see our newest Year 7 group start well, finding this (new-to-you) school to be a positive move forward. Welcome to SJC, Year 7 2025!
As with the AWC interviews, it is our intention to welcome you all into the St Joseph’s College community, to help each student to put your best foot forward and start in a positive way that will help you navigate the next six years of schooling here. We look forward to the many positive opportunities each of you will find, and to make your mark within - and for - the larger SJC family. With all of us working together - students, families and staff alike - these next six years will eventually see you graduate as St Joseph’s College’s Class of 2030.
First School Assembly 2025
Last Tuesday, 11 February, we held our first whole school assembly for the year, where we recognised the following students for their efforts and achievements:
College House Award:
Dalton | Zack Andrewartha |
Hanly | Liam Bocquee |
Hoade | Kye Aston |
Reynolds | Asha Meyer |
Congratulations to you all!
Swimming Carnival: Tuesday 18 February
The College’s Swimming Carnival is an annual event and this year will take place at the Tweed Regional Aquatic Centre, Murwillumbah on Tuesday 18 February. It is an expectation, and agreed to at enrolment, that all students will attend this day. Should your child be absent without a valid explanation, the absence will be recorded as an unexplained absence in the special event attendance record on their school report.
The document Sport at SJC 2025, which our Leader of Sport, Ms Madeline Ilic shared with families via Compass at the commencement of the school year, includes a lot of information for our families as well as the program of the College Swimming Carnival. It is repeated in today’s newsletter.
Year 12 Retreat: Wednesday 26 to Friday 28 February
All Year 12 will be attending one of the most important components of their final year of schooling at St Joseph’s College - the Year 12 Retreat. This is a three-day program that takes place at Tyalgum Ridge Resort. The Acting Leader of Pastoral Care, Mrs Jones, together with the Mission Team will be running this year’s Retreat and I wish them all well. According to past students, they believed the experience was so personally uplifting that they hope the same for our current group, and that it will be remembered for years to come.
I wish you all the very best for your Year 12 Retreat and that you all return to school from the event with a deeper sense of purpose and belonging, as well as a greater bond as the Class of 2025.
College Photo Day: Friday 7 March
At the end of Week 5, our Photo Day will take place on Friday 7 March. All students are to be in attendance, and wearing their full formal school uniform (and ties for the boys please!). Please note this week in your calendar to ensure your child has a clean and tidy uniform that day and that they adhere to the school rules regarding uniform. Should your child have sport that day, we ask that they wear their formal school uniform to school and bring their sport uniform to change into for the sport lesson. Further information can be found in our Acting Assistant Principal-Mission’s message in this newsletter.
Save the date: College Open Evening!

We look forward to welcoming prospective families - and the wider community - to our annual Open Evening, to be held on Monday 10 March (Week 6 this term), commencing at 6pm, gathering first in the College's Doyle Centre.
This is a one-time event on the College calendar.
In particular, we expect a lot of interest from potential students for Year 7 2026 and ask that applicants be aware of the following when making their child's enrolment application to the College:
Important Dates for Year 7 2026 Applicants
- Monday 10 March: College Open Evening (6pm to 7:45pm, with tours concluding no later than 7:45pm)
- Friday 11 April: Applications Close (Week 10, Term 1)
- Monday 19 May to Wednesday 21 May: Year 7 2026 Interviews held in the Doyle Centre (Week 4, Term 2)
Additional Information
The particular information included today relates specifically to students seeking enrolment at the College in Year 7 in the next school year. (It should be noted, however, that prior to any child potentially being offered a place at St Joseph’s College, we will always need a completed enrolment application, as well as an interview with the prospective student.)
The St Joseph’s College enrolment application is to be completed online by the parents/carers of the prospective student. This is for all Year 6 students who wish to attend the College, whether they are currently at one of the parish primary schools, or attend an independent or government primary school.
Step One of the process requires a completed application form for a child to be considered for enrolment at St Joseph’s College. All supporting documentation must be submitted to complete the application.
Step Two of the process will require an enrolment interview of the prospective student, being accompanied by at least one parent, by a teaching staff member of the College. These interviews will be held in Term 2.
Bookings for a Term 2 enrolment interview can be made on Open Evening. Should you not be able to attend that event, the booking system will remain open for these appointments. It should be noted that if you make an enrolment interview but not submit your child’s enrolment application by the closing date of 11 April 2025, your booking time will be vacated until such time as the application is completed.
Enrolment applications for Year 7 will be reviewed after the application cut-off date at the end of this term. Please also note your application is an expression of interest only. It does not guarantee your child a place at the College.
Please be aware applications submitted more than one (1) year prior to the year of commencement will not be reviewed until after the particular Year 7 intake application closing date. The College will still require an up-to-date application for the Year 7 intake, therefore we suggest that you make application only in the year prior, ie. while your child is in Year 6. There is no advantage to be had in attempting to apply years in advance.
If you require assistance with your application, please contact: Enrolment Officer, Ms Holland:
NAPLAN Testing: Wednesday 12 to Monday 24 March
Our Year 7 and Year 9 students will undergo the annual NAPLAN testing in Weeks 6 and 7 (excluding 19 March for St Joseph’s Day) at the College. More information will be shared with families in the weeks leading up to this period of testing.
St Joseph's Day Celebrations and Liturgy: Wednesday 19 March
The College celebrates the Feast Day of Saint Joseph on 19 March every year. Over the years the program of the day has changed but, as always, celebrated with a special mass with the whole school in attendance. We invite our parents and carers to join us on Wednesday 19 March at 10:30am in the Holy Family Chapel and we ask that you be seated by 10:20am if you are able to attend.
Our St Joseph's Day Mass will also acknowledge those staff who have attained their 10, 20, 25 or 30 years service at this school, including a special presentation thanking them for their contribution and commitment to St Joseph’s College. There have been many changes to the area, many challenges faced and met, and many wonderful memories for our long-standing staff.
The afternoon will see a number of fete-style stalls. This is an all-student component of the day, so again students’ full-day attendance will be required. Should your child not be at school that day, their school report will be reflected as an unexplained absence for special event attendance records.
Afternoon Learning Hub
Our Afternoon Learning Hub returns in 2025, however, will now take place Tuesday to Thursday (No Mondays or Fridays) during term time, with the available time from 3:15pm to 5pm.
Information for families
I ask that you please take the time to read through this newsletter, as you will find more important information that will help you get the most out of each day at the College.
Thank you for your continued support for all that we do here.
God Bless
Mr Ryan Campbell
Principal's Notes
Local Traffic Management Plan
We have included in today's newsletter our Traffic Management Parish Schools Banora Point for the information of all families. Please take the time to read through this plan as it will help you access the College in the appropriate manner.
Duty of Care and Early Departures Through the School Day
It is our Duty of Care to provide a safe and supportive environment, and this also includes being able to identify any adult who comes to our Parent Reception to collect a student. If we do not follow procedure, potentially a student could leave our school grounds with an unidentified adult, for which we are not prepared to take that risk for safety and legal reasons.
Therefore, we ask our families to follow the procedure:
If you are collecting a student early, can you please:
- Provide your child with a note (separate from the diary), briefly indicating the reason and stating the time you as parent/carer will be collecting your child from the Parent Reception (This note should be presented by the student to the Student Reception at their earliest convenience upon their arrival to school).
- Remind your child to be at the Parent Reception at the time stated in your note.
- Meet your child at the Parent Reception to sign them out from the College.
Please allow enough time to park and walk up to the Parent Reception to collect your child/ren. Please also be mindful that this process is done in the best interest of our students, your child/ren, to ensure they get to where they need to go as safely as possible. Please be patient with our staff assisting at Parent Reception to ensure these processes are followed.
Please also be aware that should you have another person collecting your child on your behalf, you should write these details in your note - If you do not make this clear, our office staff will need to verify the identity of the person who is collecting the student, and they will be asked to provide proof of identity.
We ask all visitors to please remain calm and speak with respect to our staff. They are simply following our procedure and we are doing our best to ensure the safety of our students.
A last-minute phone request for a student to leave College grounds puts the safety of a student at risk and places undue pressure on our Administration Staff. We simply ask families to follow this procedure.
In NSW, there are two types of permitted e-bikes:
A power-assisted pedal cycle:
- has one or more motors attached with a combined maximum power output of up to 200 watts
- can't be propelled only by the motor/s
- weighs less than 50kg (including batteries)
- has a height-adjustable seat.
Electrically power-assisted cycle:
An electrically power-assisted cycle has a maximum continuous rated power of up to 500 watts. This power output must be:
- progressively reduced as the bicycle’s speed increases beyond 6km/h cut off when:
- your bicycle reaches a speed of 25km/h
- you stop pedalling and the speed exceeds 6km/h.
The rider must primarily propel these bikes – a motor can't be the only source propelling it. The motor should only help the rider, like when going uphill or facing strong winds.
Petrol-Powered bicycles
All petrol-powered bicycles are illegal on NSW roads and road-related areas like footpaths, shared paths, cycle ways and cycle paths.
This includes bicycles that:
- have a petrol-powered engine attached before or after purchase
- are powered by other types of internal combustion engines.
Petrol-powered bicycles are faster than regular bicycles, reaching moped and small motorcycle speeds.
Parents and carers should now be aware that it is illegal to ride these bicycles (petrol-powered bicycles, or e-bikes that don't comply with legislative standards) outside private property, and (we have been advised by the Lismore Catholic Schools Office) that they are banned from being stored on school property.

St Joseph's Parish
St Joseph's Catholic Church, 56 Frances Street, Tweed Heads
Weekday Mass times
- Monday to Friday – 9:10am
Weekend Mass times
- Saturday – 9:00am
- Saturday Vigil Mass – 5:00pm
- Sunday – 7:00am & 9:00am
St Camillus Catholic Church, 36 Urliup Road, Bilambil
- Sunday – 9:00am
St Anthony's Parish
St Anthony’s Church, Kingscliff, 12-14 Pearl Street, Kingscliff
Weekday Mass times
- Wednesday – 8:00am
- Thursday – 9:00am in the school term and 8:00am in the holiday period
- Friday – 8:00am
Weekend Mass times
- Saturday – 5:00pm (6pm during DST)
- Sunday – 9:00am
Sts Mary & Ambrose Catholic Church, 1 Charles Street, Pottsville
Weekday Mass times
- Tuesday – 9:15am
Weekend Mass times
- Sunday – 7:30am
Reconciliation Times
- Kingscliff – Saturday 5:00 – 5:30pm
- Pottsville – Sunday 7:00 – 7:25am
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
We all love holidays, but there is a special excitement that comes with the beginning of the new school year when the College grounds and buildings are, once again, abuzz with the chatter of children. Each new academic year sees a change in teachers, timetables and classmates which breathes a new life into even the most familiar of places. It’s a joy to be part of, and a reminder of what a blessed and special community we are part of at St Joseph’s.
The year has started well: Whilst there are always plenty of interruptions at the beginning of the school year, we are starting to slip into a sound learning routine that will only continue to settle over the coming weeks.
This year, our school improvement plan focuses on ‘Thriving learners’. It is our goal to ensure that all students are healthy, happy and well equipped to flourish. To do that, our leaders of learning and heads of house will meet regularly throughout the year to discuss the best ways to support, extend and engage students who are not achieving their potential. Further to that, all teachers will meet in professional learning teams (PLTs) to discuss student learning across shared classes, and set and review tasks as evidence of learning. This year we also continue our focus on literacy. Every subject will continue to integrate reading and writing tasks into their curriculum and teachers will explicitly teach reading and writing skills in all faculty areas. Students will be expected to have a workbook for every subject and they will be engaged in generative writing activities for at least 20 minutes every lesson. Teachers will use examples from student workbooks as evidence of learning when they meet in PLTs. It has been an exciting and busy start for the teaching staff and we look forward to getting these new routines established. As parents, you can support our work by encouraging your child to read regularly at home and by taking an active interest in their homework and assignments. And, as always, please speak to you child’s teacher if you think they are not in a particular subject.
Welcome back to the 2025 academic year. We look forward to working with you to raise excellent learners who are full of hope and aspiration. Below are a few administrative things to be aware of as we begin the year:
The Catholic Schools Office has asked that we share the attached information about the NCCD:
New ACE rule for Year 12 students- zero mark for late submissions.
A recent ACE manual change (late November 2024) has been communicated with Year 12 students. Clarified ACE rules state, “If there is no valid reason for failing to complete an assessment task, a zero mark must be recorded for that task.”
Mr Chris Mason
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
Acting Assistant Principal - Mission
School Photo Day - Friday 7 March 2024
School photography day is coming up soon (Friday 7 March, Week 5 Term 1). Group and portrait photographs can be purchased by following the link below or by returning the order envelope with your payment to our photographer on school photo day. Order envelopes will be distributed in AWC.
Two easy ways to purchase:
- Visa, MasterCard or PayPal
- Cash – complete the envelope supplied and return it to our photographer on photo day (correct money please - no change given)
Or visit:
And enter online order code: QD5 7H5 CW3
School photography information:
- Online orders - do not require an envelope returned to your school.
- Sibling Photos - Don’t forget to pre-order your sibling photos online up to 24 hours before photo day. We provide your school with a list of sibling orders right up to the day of photography, so no one misses out. If you miss the online order deadline, you can submit a completed sibling order envelope first thing in the morning of the day of photography, so your school is aware you want the photo taken and can bring your children together in time for it. Sibling photographs only apply to children enrolled at St Joseph’s College.
- Late fees - a late fee will be applied to each package purchased after photo day due to the additional cost of producing these packages separately.
- Package delivery - School photographs will be returned approximately six (6) weeks after the day of photography. Please note this delivery timeframe is dependent on proofing and additional photography days at your school.
- Previous Years’ photos - Past years’ photographs including sports, co-curricular and representative groups are also available to order under the “previous years or group photo” tabs at your school’s advancedorder site when you click on the “Order School Photos Here” button above. You can also order past packages, portrait images and gifts from your child’s unique, individual and secure advancedyou image archive site using the unique 9-digit image code found on packages you have ordered in the past.
advancedlife would like to express our appreciation to St Joseph's College for placing your trust in us. Please remember we offer a 100% money back guarantee on our products to ensure your peace of mind. We would also love to receive your feedback or resolve any issues you may experience as fast as possible, to ensure your satisfaction. If you have any questions, comments or feedback relating to your advancedlife experience please contact us at:
All students are to wear the College's full school uniform.
As is the case for any school photo day, please also ensure that your child/ren comes to school appropriately groomed and dressed according to the College Uniform Policy. In particular, please note that boys need to be clean-shaven and wearing their belt. All students are required to wear their College tie for school photos, and long hair (on the collar) needs to be tied up. Students are required to take their photos without jumpers, jackets or the senior jersey.
If your child(ren) has a practical PE/Sport lesson on Photo Day, please ensure they come to school dressed in their full school uniform and that they bring their sports uniform with them to get changed.
2025 College Liturgies and Masses
Term | When | What |
Term 1, Week 1 | Friday 7 February | Commencement Mass |
Term 1, Week 5 | Wednesday 5 March | Ash Wednesday Mass |
Term 1, Week 7 | Wednesday 19 March | St Joseph's Day Liturgy |
Term 1, Week 10 | Friday 11 April | Easter Liturgy |
Term 3, Week 1 | Tuesday 22 July to Friday 25 July | Years 7-10 Reflection Day |
Term 3, Week 4 | Friday 15 August | Mass for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Term 3, Week 8 | Tuesday 9 September | Leadership Liturgy (SRC 2026) |
Term 3, Week 10 | TBA | Year 12 Graduation Mass* |
Term 4, Week 10 | TBA | Christmas Liturgy |
As part of College life, and as agreed to at enrolment, our students are expected to attend every school mass, every school liturgy, as well as the relevant year group reflection day, here at the College.
It is also an expectation that every College student behaves appropriately and with respect at all times whenever they are in the Holy Family Chapel here at the College.
You will note that the Year 12 Graduation Mass will be held at St Joseph's Catholic Church, Tweed Heads, where it is expected that every Year 12 student will be in attendance. It is also expected that all Year 11 students will be there to support our Graduating Class of 2025. Naturally, expected standards of behaviour will continue there as here.
Our Commencement Mass each year is a major starting point in the school's calendar, as it includes the Ceremony of Light for our Year 12 students (in this their final year), as well as welcoming our newest year group (Year 7) to the school community.
Our Year 12 students are each given a special candle at this mass, lit by their Head of House, taken from the College Candle which was lit for the first time this year at the Staff (of the Parish of Tweed Heads) Commissioning Mass. In this way, each mass has made us all connected to our Parish. Fr Michael Brady presided over the staff mass, while our College Chaplain, Fr Nicolas, celebrated our Commencement Mass.
In our Ceremony of Light, each individual candle lit becomes their journey candle, and their journey as the Graduating Class of 2025 has begun, continuing through the Year 12 Retreat (to be held in Week 4), and concluding at the Graduation Mass, which also signals journey's end with the last formal lessons for Year 12 in Week 10 of Term 3.
Ash Wednesday is a very important event on the Catholic calendar, establishing the beginning of the Lenten period. Lent is a period of forty days from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. It is a time of penitence and preparation, during which many Christians strengthen their faith through study, prayer, fasting or abstinence.
2025 Retreat Dates
Compulsory College Retreat and Reflection Days
It is expectation that all students attend the relevant year group camps and that all Year 12 students attend the Retreat.
The events listed below are a compulsory part of the Catechesis and Evangelisation program for all students enrolled at St Joseph's College:
What | When | Where |
Year 12 Retreat | Wednesday 26 February to Friday 28 February | Tyalgum Ridge Resort, Tyalgum Ridge |
Years 7-10 Reflection Days | Tuesday 22 July to Friday 25 July | At school |
Preparations are in full swing for our first event, the Year 12 Retreat. We look forward to sharing with the community some thoughts and photos following this event - one that is a major milestone in the Year 12 student's final year experiences.
Information about each event will be shared with our families via Compass and/or the College newsletter closer to the relevant event.
Mr Mathew Lynch
Acting Assistant Principal - Mission
Acting Leader of Pastoral Care
School Vaccination Program and Dates for 2025
NSW Health offers the vaccines recommended for school-aged children by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) annually in a school vaccination program.
Please note: The COVID-19 vaccination is not part of the NSW School Vaccination Program.
For students enrolled in Year 7, NSW Health offers human papillomavirus (HPV) and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (dTpa), each a single dose vaccine. For Year 10 students, NSW Health offers Meningococcal ACWY in a single dose vaccine.
The dates schedule for the 2025 program will be as follows:
- Year 7 (and Year 8 catch up) Thursday 3 April 2025 (Term 1, Week 9)
- Year 10 (and Year 11 catch up) Thursday 12 June 2025 (Term 2, Week 7)
- Catch-ups for all remaining students Thursday 18 September 2025 (Term 3, Week 9)
As always, parental/guardian consent must be provided for a vaccination to take place at school, ie. if you do not provide consent, then no vaccination will take place.
More information about the program – and to provide online consent – can be found HERE at the NSW Health website.
Mrs Loretta Jones
Acting Leader of Pastoral Care
Leader of Pedagogy
Study Skills Handbook
St Joseph's College first subscribed to this online resource back in 2012, and it has proven to be a very useful student resource. Each of our newsletters will contain reminders of the website, as well as their monthly study skills tips.
The study skills website will help you develop essential skills for academic success. There are units of work on improving time management skills, how to study, research skills, summarising, technology use, brain and memory and much more. Everything you need to know about becoming a more powerful learner and improving your marks at school can be found on this site. For example, learn how the colour of your room affects your ability to study, what the best study techniques are for your type of brain, how to improve your handwriting and useful software and Apps to block yourself from technology distractions. You will also see lots of useful handouts, grids and planners at the bottom of the THINGS TO PRINT page.
To access the handbook, go to and login with these details:
Username: sjc
Password: 24results
Mr Carlo Trimboli
Leader of Pedagogy
Study Skills Tips for February: From ‘To Do’ to ‘Done’: Task Prioritisation
Attached is a flyer for February's Study Skills Tips on From To Do to Done: Task Prioritisation, (click on the link provided, or see the flyer below).
Acting Leader of Learning - HSIE
HSIE 2025
Welcome to 2025 from the HSIE faculty! We extend a warm welcome to all Year 7 parents and students, as well as to all new families joining St Joseph’s College.
HSIE, which stands for Human Society and Its Environment, encompasses a broad range of subjects designed to equip students with valuable knowledge, skills, and diverse perspectives.
From Years 7 to 10, all students undertake the mandatory study of History and Geography. Additionally, we offer a variety of HSIE electives to develop students’ interests and skill sets. This year, we have several Elective Commerce classes running in Stage 5, and we also offer Elective History and Elective Geography as options.
Our senior students are currently engaged in various courses, including Aboriginal Studies, Ancient History, Business Studies, Economics, Legal Studies, Modern History, and Society and Culture.
What’s Happening in Semester 1?
We have an exciting and busy Term 1 and Term 2 ahead!
Year 7 will begin the year with Geography, learning key geographical tools and skills to investigate the world around them. They will also explore landscapes and landforms using examples from Australia and throughout the world. In Term 2, students will examine factors influencing perceptions of liveability and will complete a project-based learning task where they design their own town plan.
Year 8 will start Semester 1 with History, exploring the transition from the Ancient to the Modern world. They will study life in Medieval Europe, followed by an in-depth look at the Black Death across Asia, Europe, and Africa. The semester will conclude with an investigation of life in Shogunate Japan. In Semester 2, Year 8 students will move to Geography, where they will explore interconnections and water in the world.
One of the key features of HSIE is the opportunity for students to undertake fieldwork and site studies, bringing learning to life.

- Term 1 (21 March)
- Year 10 Geography (10 GEOD & 10 GEOE) - Mandatory field trip to various sites of geographical interest.
- Year 10 History (10 HISA, 10 HISB & 10 HISC) - Local area historical research incursion.
- Term 2 (13 June)
- Year 9 Geography – Mandatory field trip to various sites of geographical interest.
More information and permission forms will be sent via Compass next week.
This year, our Leader of Learning, Ms Teneille De Luca, is on parental leave. We keep Teneille and her family in our thoughts and prayers as they prepare to welcome their first child.
The HSIE faculty for 2025 includes Ms Amy Pascoe, Mr Joseph Shaw, Mrs Kristy McLeod, Ms Mary Green, Ms Melanie Jarick, Mr Michael Joseph, Mrs Rebecca Green (Assistant Leader of Learning - HSIE), Mr Scott McDermott, Mr Wil Parsons, Mr Tom Nethery, Mr Mark Williams, and myself.
A huge thank you to all of these dedicated staff members for making their subjects relevant and meaningful to the lives of St Joseph’s College students, equipping them with the tools they need to become active, informed citizens in our ever-changing world.
Mrs Georgia James
Acting Leader of Learning - HSIE

Acting Leaders of Learning Technologies
Helping Your Child Stay Safe Online: Safer Internet Day
The 11th of February was recognised by the eSafety Commissioner as Safer Internet Day. As part of their AWC, students explored key aspects of responsible online behaviour.
As a parent, you play a vital role in reinforcing these lessons. Open discussions, clear boundaries, and leading by example help ensure children develop safe online habits.
Practical Steps for Parents
- Talk Openly – Ask about your child’s online activities and encourage open discussions.
- Set Boundaries – Define screen time limits and appropriate content.
- Teach Critical Thinking – Help children identify misinformation and online risks.
- Model Good Behaviour – Demonstrate respectful and responsible digital habits.
- Stay Informed – Keep up with online trends and use resources like
Working Together for a Safer Internet
Safer Internet Day highlights the importance of collaboration. By staying engaged and promoting awareness, we can create a safer online world for everyone!
Digital Technology Agreement:
At St Joseph’s College, we are committed to fostering responsible and safe digital citizenship. To support this, we integrate various digital technologies to enhance learning, engagement, and creativity.
To ensure clear expectations, all students and their parents are required to acknowledge and agree to the Digital Technology Student User Agreement annually. This agreement outlines the guidelines for using digital technologies at our school and provides information on how these technologies are managed both within the school and across the Diocese.
Please take the time to review and agree to the 2025 Digital Technologies User Agreement by Friday 21 February 2025 to ensure they can continue accessing digital technology and the school network. Students will also be required to review and accept the Agreement as well. The User Agreement will be available to parents via their Compass portal and you will be prompted to complete this form.
We appreciate your support in helping your child develop responsible digital habits.
Mr Jack Hamers and Mrs Gabby Yager
Acting Leaders of Learning Technologies
Leader of Learning - Work Readiness Pathway
Welcome back to all our Year 12s and a special welcome to our new Year 11 students and their families – we're so glad to have you join the WRP! The start of the year is always a busy time, and we know the transition from Year 10 to 11 can be a significant step. We've been really impressed with how our Year 11s are approaching their learning and how well they're working with their WRP teachers.
Our teaching team for 2025 is made up of dedicated teachers, all committed to the success of our WRP students: Mr Richard Petherbridge, Mrs Penny May, Mr Lewis Morosini, Mr David Bell, Mr Tom McQueen, and Mr Joseph Shaw. We are also fortunate to have a great group of teachers aides working alongside us this year: Mrs Tegan Hope, Mr Stuart Crawford, and Mrs Catherine Keating.
We've been lucky enough to have Mrs Stephanie Anderson with us for the first few weeks of the term. She'll be finishing up next week as she awaits the arrival of her second baby. We want to thank her for all the amazing work she has done with our Year 12 students and look forward to her return in 2026.
Please feel free to reach out to your child's teachers with any specific questions about their subjects. For general assistance, I encourage you to contact me directly. We value working closely with parents to support students throughout their senior years at the College.

Call for Volunteers: Mock Job Interviews
Our Year 11 cohort is our biggest yet, which is really exciting for the WRP team! Later this term, our Year 11s will be given a real-world opportunity to participate in mock job interviews. We aim to make this experience as authentic as possible: students will find a currently advertised job online that interests them, ‘apply’ for it, and then prepare for a mock interview here at school. We love challenging students to step outside their comfort zone with this task, and in the past, we've been fortunate to have a number of volunteers from the community come in to conduct these interviews.
If you're interested in volunteering your time, we would love to hear from you! The interviews will take place between March 31st and April 7th, between 9:00am and 2:30pm. If you'd like to volunteer or have any questions, please contact Mrs Penny May at the College.

Congratulations to Kalani Cox, who signed out last week to begin an Electrical Apprenticeship with Herriott Electrical. Kalani started the school year with us, but ultimately decided that this opportunity was too good to pass up. We are very supportive of students who pursue apprenticeships and wish Kalani all the best as he transitions from school into a full-time apprenticeship.
Ms Hannah Lindschau
Leader of Learning - Work Readiness Pathway
Leader of Sport
Welcome to the 2025 school year!
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the College’s Leader of Sport. Within this role, I oversee the organisation of both internal sports lessons and extracurricular representative sports.
Internal Sport
Our internal sports program comprises of one double lesson and one signal lesson a fortnight for each year group from 7 - 10 within our College timetable. Students will have their sports lessons with their entire year group and not just their class group. For the double sports lessons, students will have the opportunity to choose their offsite sports activities for their double lessons and will remain onsite for their single lessons.
A variety of options will be available for students to choose from across each of the school terms for their sport doubles. The College’s sports budget will cover or significantly subsidise the cost of each of the activities. Depending on the activity students choose there may be an additional cost that will need to be paid and this needs to be taken into consideration when students are selecting their preferences.
Each term students will make selections for the next term's sport. This will be done electronically and students will be asked for their order of preference. Each sport activity will have a limit to the number of students that can participate and students will be allocated their activity on a ‘first in first served’ basis. For Term 1 students in Years 8, 9 and 10 made their selection last year. Year 7 students will be making their selections once they have been set-up with their College account and login. Information as to how they complete these selections will be communicated to parents and carers to allow you to assist your child with their selections. Communication for parental permission and payment for these sports classes will be sent out via Compass once selections have been made.
We understand that at times it may not be possible for some students to physically participate in sports due to illness or injury. If this is the case, a note from the parent or caregiver is required to be written in the diary for your child’s teacher.
As with any activity, there is an expectation that all students behave appropriately. This is especially important when we travel off-site. Failure to follow teacher directions or behave in a sensible and safe manner will result in students not being allowed off-site for their sports lessons and they will be required to remain at school.
St Joseph’s College Representative Sport
In regards to extracurricular representative sports, St Joseph’s College provides a range of sporting opportunities for students to participate in organised team and individual competitions within the school, locally, and at Diocesan and State levels.
All representative opportunities are communicated through the SJC Sports Desk Google Classroom and students express their interest in trialling for a team on our SJC Sports Desk. There is a new SJC Sports Desk for 2025 and the code for students to join this Google Classroom is 7gzyfsh. Once students have registered their interest, the coaches will run trial/training sessions to allow them to select a team, and then the team/s will be announced. Once selected for a College representative sport team students will be required to attend training sessions prior to the day of competition.
Due to the large interest and number of competitions on offer, some sports will have before school training to assist with strengthening our students’ skills and the competitiveness of our teams. These will be Netball, Rugby League, Touch, AFL and Volleyball. Potentially Cricket and Water Polo will become a focus in Semester 2.
Morning training will commence at 7:00am with the following schedule.
- Tuesday - Rugby League
- Wednesday - Netball & AFL (dependent on numbers)
- Thursday - Volleyball
- Friday - Touch Football
More information will be provided in regard to the morning training.
Some sports will require you to purchase shorts and socks that students can keep and use across a number of different sports such as Touch, AFL and Rugby League throughout their time at the College. You will have the opportunity to order these later this term.
Parents/carers will receive permission notes for representative sports events via Compass where you can give permission and pay for the event. It is College policy that elective fees must be paid and up to date for a student to be able to attend an extracurricular event, therefore please make sure that this is the case prior to paying for any sporting events.
NSW CCC Sporting Representation
Families with students who wish to nominate for trialling in a sport at the NSW Combined Catholic Colleges (NSWCCC) level should make themselves familiar with the Catholic Schools NSW (CS NSW) Sport website Parents/carers will need to create an account to be able to register their child. Once a student has been registered on the CS NSW Sport portal it will be sent to me for College approval.
The majority of the sports trials occur in the Newcastle, Sydney and Wollongong areas and travel to these events is the responsibility of parents and carers. It is the parents' and carer's responsibility to make themselves familiar with the CS NSW Sport portal and register their child for these trials. Please note that the following sports (Netball, Soccer, Touch, Rugby League and Aussie Rules Football) involve trialling for the Lismore Diocesan or Northern Country teams as the first step in the NSW CCC representation pathway. Registration for these trials is available on the SJC Sports Desk.
College Swimming Carnival
Our College swimming carnival will take place on Tuesday, Week 3, 18 February at the Tweed Regional Aquatic Centre in Murwillumbah. Students are to come to school at the normal time dressed in their house colours and costumes. Students will then be bussed to Murwillumbah with the whole school carnival starting at approximately 10:00am. Students will return to the College in time for afternoon buses.
Our College swimming carnival’s focus is for our competitive swimmers to have the opportunity to excel in their sport and compete against each other. We also want to have a carnival that is inclusive and enjoyable for all, therefore, we have many novelty events and non-competitive races for students to participate in throughout the day.
Swimming Carnival Program
- Any student who wishes to compete in the championship races in the events listed below will need to be transported by their parent/s (no students driving) and meet College staff at the Tweed Regional Aquatic Centre in Murwillumbah on 18 February, ready to race at 8:00am (this assists us in fitting the long-distance events into our program). Students can return to the College on the buses in the afternoon.
- Students will be required to register for these events on the SJC Sports Desk Google Classroom.
- 8:00am events include: 200m Individual Medley, 200m Freestyle, 100m Freestyle and 50m Butterfly.
- Events that occur from 10:00am with the whole College in attendance include both championship and non-championship races in 50m Freestyle, 50m Breaststroke and 50m Backstroke, along with novelty events and our staff vs students house relay.
- The carnival presentation will occur at the Tweed Regional Aquatic Centre.
The College Swimming Carnival is a normal school day, and the normal procedures for student absenteeism and early departure must be followed. Please keep in mind that attendance at the Swimming Carnival is noted on student reports. Students who wish to be eligible to attend our rewards day at the end of the year need to attend our College community days.
If a student is required to leave early they must follow the same protocols as a normal school day: bring a note signed by their parent/guardian stating their name and the time they will get picked up. Parents/guardians must pick their child/ren up from the pool and sign them out with a staff member at the gate. Due to the logistics of safely organising students to return for buses in the afternoon, the latest a student can be collected from the pool is 1:30pm.
Regarding swimwear, students must wear suitable swimwear at the carnival that is modest and of an appropriate style suited to a Catholic School environment. If swimwear is deemed unsuitable the student will not be allowed to compete and they will be asked to change back into the clothing they wore to the carnival. Students need to also be mindful that the clothing they wear to the carnival is modest, appropriate and sun safe. Students still need to wear enclosed shoes to school. If a student refuses to cooperate with these expectations parents/guardians will be called to come and collect their child.
Finally, swimmers who place 1st or 2nd in any championship races are eligible to compete at the Diocesan Swimming Carnival to be held on Thursday 6 March (Week 5) in Lismore. In previous years when the Diocesan Swimming Carnival has been hosted in the southern end of the Diocese, the College has not transported students to the carnival due to the large percentage of students who wish to travel privately with their parents. However, as the carnival has moved further north for 2025 we will be arranging a bus for students to attend the Diocesan Swimming Carnival. Students who then place 1st at the Diocesan Swimming Carnival will be eligible for the NSW Combined Catholic Colleges (NSWCCC) Carnival at Homebush on Wednesday and Thursday 2 & 3 April (Week 9). There has been a significant change to the structure of the NSWCCC Carnival, please make note that the secondary carnival has now been split over two days. The proposed schedule is below to assist with any planning or potential arrangements you need to make if it is likely your child could be attending the NSWCCC Swimming Carnival.
Wednesday – 2/4/25 – Day 1
8:30am – Session One commences
Primary 200m Individual Medley
Primary 50m Breaststroke
Primary 50m Backstroke
Primary 50m Butterfly
Primary 50m Freestyle
Secondary 400m Freestyle
Primary 100m Freestyle
3:00pm Session Break
3:30pm Session Two Commences
Primary Relays – 4 x 50m Freestyle
Secondary Relays – 4 x 50m Freestyle
Secondary Relays – 4 x 50m Medley
Secondary 200m Individual Medley
100m Backstroke
100m Breaststroke
Finish around 8:00pm
Thursday – 3/4/25 – Day 2
8:30am Session Three commences
Secondary 50m Freestyle
Secondary – 6 x 50m Free Relay
Secondary 50m Backstroke
Secondary 200m Freestyle
Secondary 50 Butterfly
Secondary 50m Breaststroke
Secondary 100m Freestyle
Secondary 50m Backstroke
Secondary 100 Butterfly
Finish by 3:30pm, with a lunch break.
Ms Madeline Ilic
Leader of Sport
Sports Academy
Meet our 2025 Sports Academy
We formally welcomed our new 2025 students at our uniform presentation morning last week. Congratulations to all students that have been accepted into the Sports Academy for 2025, we can't wait to support you with your athlete development and see where your sporting excellence takes you this year. On & Up.

Tweed Enduro Triathlon
Last weekend, the Sports Academy was well represented at the Tweed Enduro Triathlon. Congratulations to our Sports Academy Team Kiara (swim leg), Taylen (bike leg) and Jarrah (run leg) who took first place in the mixed sprint team division. We also had the rest of our Sports Academy students volunteering their time to keep our team and all other athletes hydrated by staffing the water stations for the day. It was so amazing to see all the students representing our program with such pride. On & Up!

Sports Academy Student Success
1. Autumn S - Placing 8th out of 106 swimmers at the QLD Short Course Championships in the 50m Fly. She also swam a PB time of 32.79sec.
2. Marli P - Placing 1st in Discuss & Shotput and 2nd in Javelin at Regional Athletics Championships. She will now start preparing for State Championships in a few months.
3. Annika P - Played her first game as part of the Representative Lisa Fiaola WNRL Team. She was the starting hooker and scored the opening try. Outstanding achievements girls! On & Up!

Mrs Nicola Tutt
Sports Academy Coordinator
Resource Centre
Welcome back to 2025.
The Resource Centre is a place where we celebrate the joy of reading and learning every day, but on special occasions like Library Lovers' Day, we come together to honour the incredible world of books. This day reminds us how important libraries are in fostering a love of reading.
For our Year 7 students, the library orientation is an exciting opportunity to discover the vast resources available to them, from novels to study guides, and to learn how to navigate the library with confidence.
Alongside this, wide reading plays a vital role in developing critical thinking, vocabulary, and imagination. Whether you are here to explore new worlds, research a topic, or enjoy a peaceful moment, the library is your gateway to endless possibilities. Happy reading!
Ms Green
Teacher Librarian

Welcome to the College for 2025. Our school canteen operates during term time, opening at 8:00am for recess and/or lunch orders before the school day commences. Both cash transactions and EFTPOS facilities are available at the canteen during recess and lunchtime.
Meals are freshly prepared every day, and the choices are diverse and healthy so you can be assured that your child has access to a nutritious lunch whilst at school. The canteen also offers a variety of gluten-free and other special menu options, so please do not hesitate to contact the canteen staff to discuss these alternatives.
We ask you to please ensure your child places their LUNCH AND/OR RECESS ORDER by 9:00am.
Today, we include our regular price list, as well as the next few week's weekly specials menus, together with our one-day-only menu for Ash Wednesday.
The Canteen Ladies
Lowes On-Campus Uniform Shop
The uniform shop hours are as follows:
Every Tuesday during the school term: 12:00pm – 3:30pm
Every Thursday during the school term: 8:00am – 12:00pm
During shop hours: (07) 5523 9300
This shop is managed by Lowes staff only
Click on the link to see the new price list that came into effect this term (as previously provided).
Payments: Cash and EFTPOS Only
Or, if you'd like to make an online purchase, you can use this handy link.
Community News
Palm Beach Currumbin Rugby Union Club - The Alleygators - Season 2025 Registrations Now Open

Tweed Coast Raiders JRL - Free come and try day/tackle clinic this Sunday, 16 February

Casuarina Hockey Club - Come and Play Hockey in 2025!

Tennis Lessons at Club Banora
FREE TENNIS LESSON - Learn a game for life
Mention this newsletter and your first group tennis lesson is FREE.
All ages & abilities can come and learn to play tennis at Club Banora.
Great fun and an awesome way to get active!
Call Scotty (0418) 737.644
Registrations for Winter Hockey and Winter Hockey social comp 2024 are now open. New to Hockey - Primary, High school Player U18 and Senior over 18 registration - pick the club you want to play with and then select "New Member"