

Jingi Walla! Welcome to our St Joseph College library. We provide a shared, safe and supportive school community space, and feel privileged to be a heart and hub of opportunities for: sharing stories, study, learning, creativity and connection. 

We promote and run creative competitions, exhibit students’ art, put up displays to honour and celebrate various international, national and local events, engage with authors, poets and filmmakers to enrich our students’ learning, collaborate with Key Learning Areas, order and match books to our students’ interests and passions, and are always searching for ways to make learning engaging and fun!

Our collection houses a variety of resources including: an extensive Fiction collection, Non-fiction, Reference, Magazines and Games. The library administers Clickview for all staff and students, and offers access to an impressive online resource collection of audio and electronic books that are made freely available to our students (at school and home) on their devices through SORA Overdrive.

The librarian is the supervisor for Senior Study periods and for Distance Learning students, while the library also houses and administers the College Textbook collection, along with being a point of access for students to gain help with Technology needs. We assist students with printing, photocopying and scanning, for which they are each provided with an allocated budget to spend on printing each semester.

Students can visit the library throughout the day from 8am each morning until 3.10pm, excluding recess. We are here to support the college community and strive for the library to be a sanctuary for wellbeing. Students and staff are welcomed and assisted with enthusiasm and care.

To access our collection, and for more Library information log in to Oliver from the Link below:

Link To Oliver – *Click Here - Library Login*


The College subscribes to an online library resource called: SORA. All students and staff have access to this software 24/7 and can ‘borrow’ from an ever-growing collection of both audio and digital books for hours of listening and reading pleasure. You can access SORA here.

Homework Hub

The library becomes a HOMEWORK HUB, supervised by Teacher Aides, from 3.10pm-5.00pm daily, excluding Fridays. HOMEWORK HUB is FREE and all students are welcome to attend.