From the Principal

Dear St Joseph's Families and Friends

I welcome you to the final newsletter of Term 3.  I would like to thank the many families who support all that we do at St Joeys to help our students (your children) achieve the fullness of life.  This includes their academic, cultural, sporting, social and importantly, faith pursuits.  There have been many tremendous examples of students doing just that across all of the articulated areas and I thank all of those involved in making this happen. 

This is indeed a big week for our Year 12 students as they prepare to graduate after thirteen years of formal schooling.  They will engage in a number of events this week, culminating in the Graduation Assembly that will be held on Wednesday, September 21.  The seniors of 2022 hold a special place in my heart as they were indeed the Year 7 group that commenced their learning journey on the same day I assumed the role of College Principal in 2017.  We have journeyed together across the last nearly six years and it will be a bittersweet moment to see them leave.  I would like to take this opportunity to wish each of them the very best of luck as they move into their next phase of life. 

At St Joseph's College, we have high levels of expectations.  One of the reasons that parents often state as to why they wish their child to experience a Joeys education is because of the standards that we set and hold to account.  All of our policies and procedures can be found on the College website and parents/carers sign an agreement upon enrolment stating they will support the implementation of these expectations. 

Currently, our Wellbeing Team is reviewing how we ensure that students meet expectations and what should occur when they do not.  At present, we follow what is a very traditional model that includes elements of punitive punishment (detentions) as well as counselling students who repeatedly fail to comply with what is expected.  One of the issues we currently have in our system is that many parents are not aware of the accumulation of detentions and punitive actions that have been taken in an attempt to correct errant behaviours.  This is despite the best efforts of Leaders of Student Wellbeing to keep families informed of student issues. 

One of the advantages of moving to the new Compass student management system is that parents will see everything that is logged about their child; when they arrive late, when they receive awards or merits, which excursions or events they have signed up for and when they fail to meet expectations.  This addition will be a great way of enhancing the communication between school and home and provide a clear picture of the students in our school to their families.  Please keep an eye out for the Parent Evenings that will run in Term 4. 

Student Leaders 2022/23

It is my great honour to announce our College Captains for 2023 as Willow Trimboli and Mitchell McCracken. Willow and Mitch will be supported by representatives from all grades.  This document outlines our SRC for 2023.  I would like to congratulate and thank all students who have pledged to serve the College community in this capacity. 


Professional Learning Days Term 4

Please note on the calendar that there are two professional learning days that will be run for staff in Term 4.  The first will be on October 10 (the first day of Term 4) and the second will align with one of the St James professional learning days on November 4.  Please make alternative care arrangements for your child/ren on those two days. 

Staffing Announcement

I am pleased to announce that Mr Thane Harriott has been appointed to the role of Plant Maintenance Manager in place of Mr Stephen Joyce.  Stephen has served both St Joseph's and St James over the last five years and will be taking a job with the Tweed District Hospital.  Thane comes to us having worked in the maintenance management area for some time and is looking forward to enhancing the strong practices within our current joint campus Maintenance Team.  I wish Steve and Thane all the best. 

Change to Bell Times

Having taken on board feedback from staff and students, there will be some slight bell time changes from Term 4, with the most significant being that recess will now be 30 minutes in length.  The day will commence one minute earlier at 8.50 am and finish at 3.15 pm.  Our AWC period will also be four minutes shorter to accommodate the change.  Our school website will be reflective of these changes from the commencement of Term 4. 

Leaving St Joseph's College

During the second semester of a school year, families tend to make decisions about moving to a new area because of employment changes, etc.  With so much upheaval this year, it seemed timely to enquire of all families if, for any reason, their child (or children) will not be returning to the College in 2022, to please let us know.

If you could please send in with your child a letter to the College office – or alternatively write a brief email to – confirming the date your child will be leaving and the new school or institution he/she will be attending.

(Please note that all students who leave St Joseph’s College are required to complete a Clearance Form which includes the return of all College library books, textbooks and locker lock.  The student can collect a form from the office closer to their departure date.)

Mr Scott Thomson
College Principal